Friday, February 20, 2009

So Much To Do

Dear Blogging Gods -

Please forgive me for I have sinned. I have ignored my self-inflicted responsibility to keep 'you' in the know, and for that I am internally sorry. But, alas, let me make it up to you:

Life is in transition for me right now. Transition meaning, if I don't find a way to keep of with it, I will surely be left in the dust and that's no bueno at all. Between school, work, moving twice and saving, I am aghast at how the next 33 days will pan out and yet utterly excited to begin this really amazing point in my life. Or at least I hope it is. It could be on of those 'amazing points in peoples lives' that actually turns to bite them on their ass. But not me - I cant focus on that and for sure that ass biting sounds harsh. The next month or so will encompass several things: a mini vacation, moving twice (I'll explain), saving lots and lots of money (hmmm), going to a Broadway play, and all the while keeping the dueling balance of school 3 times a week, daily 9-5 work and a wonderful boyfriend (unless he runs for the hills before I do :-).

I am a persistent and evolving nomad by nature. It really isn't my fault, still, I haven't exactly tried to tone down my roaming tendencies. I currently have a roommate, who by all means, is a frugal tyrant. Eh, not so Fidel Castro, but if the position suddenly becomes open, she has my nomination. While she is a mother and living on subsidized income (a.k.a my rent is subsidizing her income), she insists on viewing me as a child comparable to her own 5-year old and not the (ahem) 21 yr old independent woman that I am. Insert 'the problem'. In light of that information, I have been looking for a new place to live since early December. Combine my nomadic ways with her...ways, and that equals a move to me. After a few interesting attempts, reliable sources close to me simply put it this way, "Stop moving in with strangers and try to live with someone you actually know". Insert 'novel idea'. My boyfriend was also looking for a place to escape the roommate sagas he was experiencing and thought we should simply move in together. We decided to do so and have finally found an apartment worth paying for, hence the saving. When I happily alerted my roommate, she was OK with the news; I would be moving at the end of March, so this was here 60+ days notice. Until 3 days later, she upped the ante by asking me to move in 30 days, at the end of February. UGH. So the first stage of this transition I am in involves moving a month earlier than planned in with my boyfriend, storing 90% of my belongings in storage, only to have to move again mid-March to our new, amazing Mecca some would simply call home.

Keeping all this in mind, my boyfriend is a twin. His brother and his girlfriend, who live in Atlanta, would like to come to Las Vegas with my beau and I when we go next week :-). This was all planned before the move(s) and will actually provide a good distraction from the intense relocating process. They are so much fun, and when my boyfriend and his brother are out because here comes the party. Thank goodness they are VERY taken men or I would fear for Las Vegas and their female residents. While the traveling couple is on the West Coast, we are going to see the Broadway hit, RENT, which I have permanently embedded in my

memory and if, for any reason, they too suddenly need to fill a position, I will nominate myself. So this is perhaps stage 2 in the transition and that's not necessarily where it ends.

Until May, I will be in my Spring semester of college. Until I'm 65 (HA-75 with this economy) I will be working a full-time job. Bleak outlook, I know, but reality. As I am writing this blog, I am ignoring at least 2 assignments that would be beneficial to my education. Supposedly. Actually, I find blogging quite educational and inspirational to my learning process; did I mention one of the assignments is in my online math class? UGH. While at work, I successfully manage to use that block of time to do what I'm not doing now, which is my homework. Clever, I know. It worked last semester; 4.0 (honest). However, it is a juggle and usually, I am mundanely taking notes while answering a 5-line phone I will soon be calling "my best friend" if our daily entourages keep up they way they are. Oh how I long for Fall of 2010 when I can transfer to Cal State LB and have even more work that I too will put off for blogging.
And so you see, Blogging Gods, how insanely busy I have been and will continue to be...but will duly make the strongest effort to do even less homework and instead, write, write and write. Until the keyboard runs for the hills too.
