Tuesday, October 21, 2008

You've Got Mail...Forreal

New day. New news.
I learned today about an...interesting website that allows people who think they may be infected with an STD to anonymously email theirs sexual partners to get tested. These 'warning' e-cards come in a variety of captions; some flirty like "Hey the other night was great but I think I may have given you a little something extra", to blunt like "I have this itch...you should get checked out". Ok so those aren't the exact captions, but I saw a few - they are pretty much on that line. The website was started by gay men in San Francisco and is now in 10 major states across the US. In fact, if you receive one of these lovely notifications, at the bottom of the card they provide a link to mapquest where the closet clinic is to you. How convenient, no? You can email casual partners or your primary partner; its anonymous email - do both. Its not like your paying for postage...
Personally I think this idea is genius in the way it allows people with the fear of embarrassment and guilt to still do the right thing and inform their partners of their sexual health; especially if there is a problem. I'll be honest: If I had to confront someone and tell them "Hey, so this crazy thing happened...and well, I think I have syphilis, so you should get checked out", I would be beyond mortified. Still, Im the last person to want to be ignorant about my sexual health and could never put someone else's life in my hands. Ever. Thats just not fair. But not everyone is always careful and responsible with all the wonderful assortment of protection we have available to us - men and women alike - so this website allows people to try to alert the booty calls and retify the already awkward situation. You can even email them at 2am, if that tends to be your normal 'operation' hours. If you really think about it, the best part of people informing people is that it may help avoid one of those nasty STD's getting to you. In fact, an email may save your life. Hmm...never thought of it like that huh?? The always applicable golden rule in life is "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and to put that in 2008 terms for those of us who spend so much time texting we dont really know wtf unto actually means: "we need 2 tlk. I thnk sumthin mayb up N u nd to kno". Yes....much better.

...in case you need it... www.inspot.com

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