Sunday, November 22, 2009

Dear Kate Moss

~While I am not a huge fan of yours overall, I FULLY support your comment that "Nothing taste's as good as skinny feels". No where in that self-imposed maxim did you suggest, imply or condone anorexia, bulimia, diarrhea or any other -ia that folks use to curb their figure.
Sorry - i call bullshit on the media.
And any woman worth her weight in honesty will subtly agree that there has NEVER, in the history of food, been anything as delicious as fitting into a pair of skinny jeans or into a top and looking FAB! Without tugging or pulling, or sacrificing breathing to fit into your clothes. Without using the mirror to offer reassurance, but instead using the mirror like a play thing because you know you look that good. 'Don't tease me', you think...
We all have our forbidden food rules that regulate our guilt vs our gluttony and this just so happen to be the motto of an international supermodel.
So KUDOS to you Kate, for saying what women have always mumbled to themselves when pining over the last cake, cookie, or carb of any form....

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