Friday, December 4, 2009

transgressions of indiscretion

Liaison, liaison; I simply cant stop at one
My transgressions of indiscretion has left me hurting some
but liaison, dear liaison; the naughty is half the fun
The other half is between the sheets
and if I try to run;
You grab my hand and lead me in
the bedroom; lights off - its done.
But in the morning when its time to face the music of the sun
Im ashamed; lust is to blame
I've yet again hurt my plus 1.

The sorries in all the world cant make up for what I've done
And all the rubber in between those sheets cant rationalize the sum
but im sorry
and I worry
that your forgiveness is left at none.
Don't look at me with disgust and
please don't think all is lost
I want to change, I really do; hope isn't so far off
Hope; that I can keep my meandering eyes at bay
Hope that your love is all I need to faithfully make it through the day.
And I pray that you will still love me for who I really am
Not the me that's hurt you or the one that didn't give a damn.
But more the me that is caring when your day has given you enough
or the me that is vigilant when its time to get tough
The me that is always tardy and tries to make it up
The me that is in love with you and is sorry I made the road rough

Please allow that me to show you the 'think and thin' I pledged
This cant be it; it isn't the end; I'll mend our widening wedge
This road were on was never made from gilded fools gold
Still shame on me, I did not see, that what doesn't glitter...

is still worth everything I hold.Everything I am. And everything I aim to be.
Forever yours

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