Sunday, June 28, 2009


Confusion is setting in. Deep.
Like the weather recently - with it's ominous clouds in the morning before the pm sun awakens - I am in a gloom.
Typically, I am not the person who reads their horoscope and actually believes it. That's like going to eat Chinese take out at midnight in downtown, and expecting the generic fortune cookie to describe your life. Not going to happen. However, even my cookie cutter astrological reading wouldn't have been more accurate if I had Diane Warwick and Ms. Cleo reading my sign personally.
Are the Aquarius's' under attack or is my life just really that under siege?
Regardless...things need to be cleared. My confusion and strained emotions and mental capacity really need rest. I need my afternoon sun - my mornings have been far to gray this late in June. I know what I want and its my cake with a huge fork to eat it too. I want my past and my future. Just not necessarily where they meet in the present. Can we have both? Can anyone truly have both, or am I, like others kidding myself with a cloud-less existence?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Hills Are Alive

As an aspiring writer myself, I find it amazing when people accomplish their artistic goals. Sometimes they are seemingly intangible and so far from your reality, yet when you finally touch it, see it, or bear witness to the endearing fruits of your labor, it is a magical moment. Even my small and relatively insignificant triumphs have made me giddy with the possibility for more and my ears, eyes and hands are open like a 4 year old child wanting her Halloween candy. Gimmie, gimmie.
I want to be a writer.

On the flip side, it is a bit irritating and dare I say it, unfair, that people are given what so many others work for. What they work tirelessly for and sadly, may never achieve. Yes-­ I know this is the way of the world. Yes­-"nobody said life is fair". Yes -life is what you make it, it's a box of chocolates and all that good stuff. A scenario like this where one is literally handed every prospect makes me think of Lauren Conrad and her Hills-saga of fortune and opportunity.

We all met the shy Cali-girl via Laguna Beach almost 5 years ago. Through MTV, we saw her life ravel and unravel on the shores and off the cliffs ofthe beautiful backdrops in her hometown, Laguna Beach. We were introduced to her boyfriends and her 'frenemies' and all the lovely people who filled up airtime on the reality show between vying for Stephan Colletti's attention and having immense drama with the young sassy Kristin Cavallai. Good times, good times.

We have stayed tune to her grow into a San Francesco College drop out, to a FEMA drop out, and to a fashion designer, um, in progress. Through it all, she has been resilient and young and continues to try things out until one of them is successful.One of those 'trys' is apparently being a writer. Excuse me, author. Recently she has released a book titled "L.A Candy" and is on a tour promoting her newest venture. Uninterestingly enough, it's about her. Or should I say, it's about a girl from out of town who moves to LA to be a fashion designer and ends up living her life on a reality show. Uh, hmmm...

Not only do I think this is super lame, but I feel like L.C (as all her BFF's and America affectionately call her) can really do better. I mean, she lives in one of the most interestingly seedy Mecca's in the US. I can imagine the endless scandals she has witnessed, the coked-out Hollywood starlets she's bumped into in the ladies room, or the hot guys who have made her their unsuccessful one-night stand target. Who slept with whom, who is a bitch in real life, and who is really as awesome as they appear. Earth to Lauren: THIS people will read.

Exhibit A: Superhead and her Video Vixen duo of revelations.

While this is in no way a knock to her trying and I would love to stand corrected if her books go flying off the shelves and into the laps of the NY Times Bestsellers List. However, I feel like this won't happen. If not for the simple fact that it is essentially about her and the gift and the curse of being a reality-based celebrity is that we know everything about you. Atl east enough not to have to read a fake book based on real life based on a weekly reality series based on fake scenarios and blank stares. I can't forget the epic blank stares. Good times, good times.

It is refreshing to see that L.C, after over 5 years on camera, has steeped out of the red flashing light of reality TV and is now available to make her own way in the world through her talent, good nature and trademark blonde waves and winged eyeliner. Simply my opinion, but I would say leave the "about me" endeavors behind and work on pioneering some new media to takeover. Give us 'aspiring' people a little bit of dream-room please.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Lets keep this short and sweet

I want to get right to the point. Right to the heart of the matter. All up in the nitty gritty of the situation:

I'm OVER Twitter.

Now I say this with personal experience, and thus first hand disdain for the 'social network'.

I first 'tweaked' as just a way to be in-the-know with the latest Facebook/Myspace trilogy. Alas, it exhausted me and I felt like I had obtained another full-time job. Like a Giga-pet or Tamaguchi - don't pretend like you didn't have one. Basically, Twitter = maintenance.

And, i don't know about you...
But I don't particularly care about what Tila Tequila, or John Mayer, or Joe Blow from up the street or across the world is doing. At every moment of the day.

Not really.

Yes; chances are their life may be way different from your own. More exciting, more glamorous, more enticing. Maybe.

Because I don't know about you...
But how exciting, glamorous or enticing is it to be sitting in front of a computer waiting to be doing something so that you can update others on that something that you may - or may not - actually be doing. Worse wait for others to do something so that in turn, you will have something for yourself to do by reading about what they did?

Obviously I have thought this through.
There are undeniable pros: keeping really really in touch, trying to syncrinize your watches, or to finally learn if Lindsey Lohan is straight, bi or just plain crazy.

"I'll take just-plain-crazy for $500 Trebek."

Moral of the story: I don't have time to share, or time to care. Time is money and as usual, there's never enough of either.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Just a little thought...

I don't make this up.

Desmond Hatchett, a man from Tennessee, has been hauled to court this week to face his 11 baby mommas.

And his 21 children.
At the ripe age of, oh, 29 years old, he has been able to on average, produce 4 children a year with these delusional women who for the most part knew of his other 'baby momma drama' and claimed they just "deal with it"? While he is employed, he works a minimum wage job. Since the State of TN can only force him to pay 50% of his gross wages, each mother typically makes out with barely a fraction of the actual costs of raising a child.
Or 2 or 3 or 4 of his children.
Its ok though; "usually when I ask he gives it to me" states one of the mothers when discussing how she makes do with so little, or sometimes no support at all. Whew!

Desmond claims he knows all the names and ages and birthdays of his large family that "just happened" and is avid that he will not be having any more children.

Although I am shocked, disgusted, and threw up a little in my mouth, I am not surprised by this. Ok I was a little, then the idea settled and now I think, 'Eh, typical'. I too come from an unplanned blessing and have discovered that this reality is not so uncommon. Nor are men who viciously and deliberately continue to have unprotected 'relations' with countless women. They create beautiful little beings only to (surprise!) realize that they neither afford financially or emotionally or mentally to care for them. Cue the classless epidemic of single motherhood. Cue the welfare lines and the children who will grow up asking "where's daddy?".

Don't get me wrong; I do not only blame him. Yes he is a sad excuse for a man and yes, society will continue to simply slap him on his wrist for the lifetime of damage to his children's self-worth, psyche and financial stability. Still, these women were no Mary's. How idiotic, ignorant and daft of these females to have SO many children with a man who can not provide? A man who is so busy just procreating that I find it hard to believe they ever saw him past ejaculation and his exit out the front door.

Did I mention he has a criminal history that spans 14 pages? So I stand corrected ­ he had to squeeze in jail time too in-between all his babies.While I personally have no children, I cant help but to feel that it is in our female survival instincts to want to procreate with a man who is dreamy,and fun and appears to be great man, thus a great father. Oh yes, and have a decent job, a fabulous skill or useful hobby. Something they can bring to the table (or bedroom) besides endless supplies of sperm. Apparently I am asking too much. It says a lot about the self esteem of these women, and Desmond for that matter, that they continually brought these children into the world without a clue as to how or with what ­ they planned to raise these kids. With such a blatant audacity as to state that since Desmond is incapable of 'providing' for his offspring, the state of TN should, how do you say, pick up the slack? For supporting 21 children through adulthood? Suppose they want to pursue college?

What does that say about our society that men find it manly and 'dominate' to have elaborate amounts of unprotected sex and nut up (no pun intended) when the obvious occurs? And how low have our feminine ideals become when we 'just deal' with a man who is no good, has nothing to offer in terms of love or commitment, and allow him to have children with us and 10 other women down the road? Unfortunately, the real losers in this situation are the children who will go without ballerina lessons or that field trip to the museum or a new pair of shoes when the old ones become worn because sufficient planning for their survival never occurred. They will become disadvantaged, beyond financially,when only mom is there to tame their curiosity or to teach them right from wrong, and how to be a good man and a respectable woman. They will learn the harsh realities of poverty and 'going without' and thinking they don't deserve the best ­ simply because they cant afford it. They will perpetually ask "Where's daddy" and the unspoken truth that dad, and mom, made some bad choices and will be forced to leave that answer to cycle in the circle that has been continued with single parented children.