Sunday, June 28, 2009


Confusion is setting in. Deep.
Like the weather recently - with it's ominous clouds in the morning before the pm sun awakens - I am in a gloom.
Typically, I am not the person who reads their horoscope and actually believes it. That's like going to eat Chinese take out at midnight in downtown, and expecting the generic fortune cookie to describe your life. Not going to happen. However, even my cookie cutter astrological reading wouldn't have been more accurate if I had Diane Warwick and Ms. Cleo reading my sign personally.
Are the Aquarius's' under attack or is my life just really that under siege?
Regardless...things need to be cleared. My confusion and strained emotions and mental capacity really need rest. I need my afternoon sun - my mornings have been far to gray this late in June. I know what I want and its my cake with a huge fork to eat it too. I want my past and my future. Just not necessarily where they meet in the present. Can we have both? Can anyone truly have both, or am I, like others kidding myself with a cloud-less existence?

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