Sunday, July 12, 2009

S.O.S: A tardy independence day

While the rest of America was celebrating our continental Independence from the cheeky boys overseas, I was claiming my own domestic stake in the whole ordeal.
On July 4th 2009, I moved into my first place.
More officially, today is the culmination of my first week as a quasi home 'owner' and of my single mindset. My solo living, table for one, uno pizza all day, every day.
As some scoff at my endeavor -"Congrats" I can hear them sarcastically mumbling as they read this - I am all too pleased with my moderately young success and freedom. To think, this all began as a 'rebellious' 17 year old with a 1994 Taurus...
I digress
This week has been very interesting and not without its customary challenges:
After 'deep-cleaning" my renovated turn-of-the-century apt, I happily moved all of my things in and began getting settled. By getting settled,I mean building my bed and promptly sleeping on it. Monday arrived with a seemingly smooth drive into work; a meager 25 minute drive from my front door to the employee parking garage. Every day has pretty much been the same as far as traffic. In addition to moving residences, I took on 2 more classes, math and speech, and those in conjunction with my biology and geography classes, I'm pretty much whipped. Daily. However, the latter two are ending soon, to my enjoyment. The week ended unceremoniously, as most of them do, with a basketball game and some herbal social gatherings.
Still, even with my excitement and starting anew, I have had a moment or two of missing 'it'. It is relative, I suppose, to the varying people who find themselves missing some. For me, 'it' is my old kitchen and bathroom, my old window that looked onto the pool and large trees; the breeze that escaped through those tress and snuck into my room for comfort and hospitality. As I open my new front door, with its white symmetrical squares and gold handle, 'it' longingly reaches for the old door; green and inviting with a silver modern and simplistic touch. The same door that we opened March 22 and closed May 18. Short yet truly sweet.
I digress
'It' has come and gone, and while I am sure that my nostalgic memories will cease to fail me and instead rehash those Utopias times, I find myself here in my apartment, enjoying the silence in my home and the city lights outside my window, the breeze filled with salt and ocean. I look forward to hanging more pictures, building more Swedish goods, and finding me outside of everything 'it' was 'we' had. Making sure I am something without having to add a 'him' to make me a whole. One part creativity, two parts sincerity, and three parts happiness. For me, 'it' should always end with happiness...

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