We all know (and have shaken our ass to) T-Pain. He's in Love with a Stripper, Sprung, Chopped N Skrewed, and I Can't Believe It, he wants to Buy You A Drink. All of which he has done with the joys of auto tune. Successful? Heck yes! Actual talent? Meh. Although I will give him undeniable props for making so many absolute hits; you want a #1, put T-Pain on it.
While I too have been guilty of enjoying the 'hits' that come from this axis of evil, I will take a genuine cope out and proclaim it is not entirely my fault. Not when every other song on the radio has been filtered through this magic box and perfected to a T with great pitch and vocals.
In fact, Kanye West-the latest leader in the sans bellicose revolution-asked T-Pain to mentor him in his attempts at auto tune on his recent 808's & Heartbreak. Definitely a success: Heartless, Amazing and Robocop (the live version preferably) is simply sincere poetry put to music and shifted through auto tunes to get all the loose sediments and rubble out of the way.
Still, with all the hits and #1's on the whoevers-couting-the-hits-and-#1's-list, I am excited about the impending slow D.O.A. Maybe a gruesome beheading a la the feisty French in their
equally important revolution? And if not for the total demise of auto tunes, then I will gladly settle for a less concentrated dosage of the magic box- too much has given me the plague.
Certainly Jay-Z -Hova if I may- has had enough: he kindly pronounced the time of death on June 6 and stands that "The guys who did it, did it great," but that's where it ends. "They got their little niche, lets move on. That's just my opinion. I don't know if everybody feels the same way"
We do.
And now, a moment of silence...