Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mistaken for an Atlas of Love

Born simply of body and soul, I bear the burden of the world
Loves lost wages on my shoulder blades, I sigh
a million sighs from a million broken restless hearts
longing for a half that is steadily growing further apart
My burden is that of great Atlas, but heavier and more enchanted. Unable to break free from a punishment I never asked to be granted;
there was no clash of the gods, but rather pride had a fierce war of words.
My emotions clearly lost and the load of the latter is upon my back heaving times I feel like I've stopped breathing.
Yet Atlas was made for such a Herculean task, not I
with my own heartbreaking. Keeping apart not the Earth and the Sky
but instead Love and the Loveless. It's not something I'm not built
for -Im no god...
I feel what all beings do and that is lonely.
And any who has been lonely knows the cure all is indeed Love
but here I am, sentenced, like Atlas, to keep two belonging entities apart.
Doomed to be miserable unless they are together
Doomed to be miserable unless my other half is connected to it's whole. Still the future of Love is a task weighing heavy on me but one I can't abjur
I do it for myself, for the Loveless and all the hearts thereafter.
On the edge of hope I'll wait for the He to rescue me from it's rapture
To unload my hinderance, pull me from the edge and live like true lovers
happily ever after.

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