Thursday, April 8, 2010

They may hear us

Shh, they may hear us. Whispering, though its so loud in this supreme quiet it is deafening. Speaking of things that are, but shouldn't be; reality as it is, as we see. A revolution in its infancy - a war of words against the tyranny of silence. This is slow coming. Never mind us, yet, we are simply conversing - getting the word out about the obvious but unnoticed things.
The serial killer aimlessly roaming, cloaked in a falice and vaginal clothing. Walking with legs of ignorance and steadily growing; killing and killing with all of us knowing. An acronym of an assumed death sentence with letters otherwise...A.I.D.S might as well spell lies. Not taking heed or taking aim is unjustly wasting time. but,
Shhh, they may hear we. Speaking in a back alley to a desperate mother of three. She wants to abort her growth, but do so dangerously. Little does she know of the education to prevent such seeds, under negligent governments neglecting, to protect herself and future offspring. She listens intently to the hope we are one has ever given her the facts about this Pill we speak. She is beyond intrigued. A sheath for his weapon before entering? She admits shes never seen such a thing; men with knowledge never share anything worth sharing.
Shhh,they may hear me. Speaking boldly about chance and opportunity. Giving light to the dark and hopeless beings...the grass is greener when you believe in actually seeing. Books, knowledge and power are there if you are given the drive to begin seeking. The world is in the palm of your hand little one, don't be shy to take it. And run. Because others are out there who want to keep you from ever taking action. Want to keep you tied to the ground; better yet, bury you beneath it. Want your body and soul to wither having forever been barren.
This is a verbal revolution for the people. Those who are undereducated, unknowing and separate and unequal. Theres no need to stand in the outfields. Silence is the best promoter of speak. Let your voice be heard; never shun at the sound of your own audacity to ask, seek, find the means to become a better being. Never settle for less than inhumanity ceasing; whats mines is yours and yours for the keeping. Let them hear you preaching that you have the right to touch any light you are reaching. Stars are closer than they seem, especially when the sky begins so dark.

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