Commentary, Poetry and Testimony On Life From My Own Experiences As Well As From The World Around Me - With A Healthy Dose Of The Wonderful Nonsense That Ties It All Together.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Portifino Train of Thought
but Im too scared to get in it
Too afraid of a raid on my emotions limits
too afraid of rejection and its ugly hindrance
on my soul
too blind by a future with uninhibited ambitions
I cant control
Yes, Im self aware and though it isnt a bad beginning
it may be the beginning to a never ending self inflicted gimick
'Whats behind door #1?' - I dont know so I dont want to enter it
Im laughing at me and everyone else is so sure of my possibilities?
But they just dont get it
How can I delve into a sea of unsure realities?
'Live your dream' but whos to catch me if I dont land on my feet?
'Life's a bitch' in the same breath they speak - shit...your tellin me! Preach!
Of uncertain concerns and meandering earns - of a place and a space where no one tells me where to turn
How am I to know? There are so many roads to paradise, supposedly, but which way did you go
How did you make your happiness and what made you stop on this road
Trust, I see you
You take life by the wheel and with or without gas your goin all around the world
To places and faces and unfamiliar spaces where people dont know your name and could care less about you fame, supposedly, but to you its all the same
Your cool with this game
And your winning in this level
And your living it to the fullest
My friend- I'd say your living the dream.
But right now...Im just trying to get in it...
Im on a portifino train and next stop is tomorrow
I'll see if I like it when I get there - who knows
I suppose I can keep going until I ride my way through to the otherside
where rainbows glow and my dreams vs realities collide
where happiness is what I make it not just what it seems
where I really am what everyone makes me out to be
C to the utmost and nothing less than supreme
These are just some thoughts I conceive
Wanderlust yearning from my core being
...I should probably stop pretending
Hazed vision of a future stop I think Im seeing
Could it be...maybe...
Always wanderlust yearning from my core being
I want to be the dream I see everyone living
Really, though, I should stop pretending.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
And God Created Woman
He thought he was through
Created the light sun stars and the heavens too
Created the earth and the sea's, creatures to live and breath
All the in between that crawl walk and flew
And on the 6th day He Created you
In his image he bore you, you grew
Called you Man and told all living things to honor you
He saw you roam- a king with a crown yet lone to carry his soul through
And God created woman in a slumber he succumbed you to.
From the bones that protect your heart, he knew
this is your equal, your other half to pledge your love unto
From the breath you drew, he knew
she would help you breathe life and happiness into all that you do
From the skin your in, he knew
She would shield you from the cold and comfort you too
And God created woman.
And that love they both devised intensified
through timeless ages and boundless divides
Until there was you and I, here and now, side by side
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Column: Why the American Mindset of Design should make room for Asian Innovation
Escalades, mansions, 50" LCD televisions...even your venti morning coffee - all enormously huge and quintessentially American. Excess. Its a cultural thing, not only limited to design, but ever so encompassing of our ideology and sense of self; it speaks to our inherent mindset that happiness can and is measured...literally. So it's natural to think that, during a recession and a theme of less is more and 'cutting back' echoed internationally, that this blueprint to success would, well, perhaps not be so successful. Insert Asian innovation.
Whether it be from Japan, China or anything in between, Asian engineering and imagination of designs endless possibilities and overlooked abilities have naturally flourished in times such as these. Their ideas are conceived outside the box and instead of vying only for substantial, they instead aim sustainable as well, and more so it seems, size. In a polar culture and point of view from our own, Asian ideology often, if not always, veers for small, rather than seismic. To fit within conformity while still out thinking it. To make space and structure where others would swear there is none.
Modern times have rendered this highly necessary: China, for example, is the worlds most populated county with a million people and then some. The daily realization for a need for space has afforded the Chinese to not only recreate a modern and highly effective new China, but to branch out and reach others....all the way to the West in countless cases. While cities like Los Angeles struggles with daunting traffic and time-wrenching freeways, China has come to the aid of their people, in cities where the traffic of a half-a-million drivers can surely seem paralysing. Introducing the 3D Fast Bus, from the Chinese Shenzhen Hashi Future Parking Company. It has all the components of a triumphant invention suited for the masses, equipped to be effective and slated for a nod to an ingenious imagination. Perhaps its only qualm may lie, not with the bus itself, but with drivers unsuited to glide along with a high-speed Disneyland-esque tram above them. And really, bad drivers seem to be an issue none of us have yet to solve.
If driving seems like too much of a hassle, paddle over to Japan, where anyone can live the high life under a modest roof. With less and less space available for living, Japanese architects have come to commercialize the concept of ultra small homes, or entire homes equivalent to a 2 bed apartment or smaller. Though off the cuff, this seems unbearable, and certainly anything but luxurious, these undersized abodes encompass glamour, functionality and most importantly, living ability. Yasuhiro Yamashita, a lead architect from Tokyo, is among the many who make these houses, homes...while subsequently reimagining the status quo of design, and all the while creating art of minuscule, yet unimaginable proportions.
Perhaps we could take a subtle cue...I mean, were all in a recession, right?
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Column: Ring My Bell - The Scientific Synopsis of the Real World Phenomenon knows as the Booty Call
I ran across an article today, during my hourly news updates at work, which caught me by surprise and titillated my interest. And memory. An article that I can proudly say was on a reputable news site,, but that could have easily been posted on as a faux find or even mixed in with tmz's sultry nonsense. Yet, it is based on actual scientific research, from experts in the subject: college students, who else?! The nature vs. nurture ideas about the infamous 'booty call' were up for debate at the University of West Florida, in which psychologist Peter Jonason (clever name in such a study) led a team in researching the late-night invites. Were they strictly sexual in nature, or was there some sort of intimacy inherently involved? And where on the spectrum of human relationships do booty calls lie, with monogamy at one end absolute sexual prowling on the other. I would agree with most of the initial findings of this less-than-diligent online surveys of merely 289 relationship-pendulum students: requests are made by calling or text, it is a convenient hybrid of long-term and one-night stand relationships yet is purely on the side seeking sexual pleasure. As well, it is brief, to the point and steers away from lingering emotion. Sounds about right - but any Hollywood movie could have told you that. In fact, Netflix Booty Call and report back your findings asap. And in particular, one wouldn't need to limit their consulting to college students: booty calls and random acts of sexual satisfaction maintain a scared place within most sexually active people, either currently or from their past. Take a moment and recall Psychology 101: Freud details the animalistic tendencies innate to human existence and relationships. However, I would be interested to know, instead, how the nature of booty calls has changed over time; hopefully evolving, but nonetheless steadfast in getting the craving quenched. Have men and women grown seedier and more desperate? Or have we past a long ago era where men would at least pretend to get to know you, out of respect and decency, before the forthcoming wham-bam? I would venture to say that the only thing that surprised me about the supposed research into this complex, yet sex-savvy field, would be it's position in relation to the other extremes: monogamy and one-night stands. According to Jonason, while all aspects incorporate sex, one-night stands typically have the least amount of sex acts as opposed to booty calls - the idea being that booty calls have consistency and trial-&-error on their side, much like a relationship. On the other hand, one-night stands tend to be more emotional; holding hands, kissing and cuddling, probably because the expectation of impending intimacy allows for a heightened acceptance of outward affection. Lets face it - your only going to be together for a few hours anyway, so the speed of getting to know each other and feeling comfortable makes sense. Then again, repeatedly seeing someone for the utmost of intimate acts, sex, should always abide by that same logic, right? Perhaps, but in reality and science, the fact is that what breaks up most consensual booty calls is the expectation for more; more emotion, time, and heart. In the meantime and between time, before tonight's possible tripe onto the nearest bed, couch or kitchen floor, scientists have decided to invest more "longitudinal work" for the horizontal mambo, and I personally, couldn't be more thrilled with the idea. The only question remains: do they need any extra research done?